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Zhenjiang Jingang Magnetic Element Co.,Ltd
地址:No. 13, Lingang Science and Technology Park, Jurong City, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China

Company News

CWIEME Berlin 23-25 May 2023

作者:超级管理员 来源:本站 日期:2023-06-30 10:40:29 人气:401

Come experience the power of ferrite magnets at our exhibition! Jingang Magnets have held an important place in history, used in everything from ancient compasses to modern medical scans. Now, come explore this fascinating technology in our ferrite magnet exhibition! Witness the unique properties of these powerful magnets and learn how they can be used in industry, medicine, and everyday life. Join us for demonstrations, interactive activities, and a chance to ask experts all about ferrite magnets. Come experience the power of magnets at our ferrite magnet exhibition!
